Debt Guidance

Advice for Navigating Debt

While our main focus as an organization is buying and forgiving debt, we also wanted to provide some guidance for individuals who have difficulty navigating growing medical debt. Some of this information is drawn from direct interactions with those that have been helped by our work and other parts are from research and knowledge of medical debt in the US.

  1. If you are being harassed by debt collectors you can report them to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. They can also be reported for making false statements or any kind of misrepresentations. The link to the website with all the examples can be found by clicking here. If that doesn’t work, then click here.
  2. We suggest that you try to join this debt forgiveness registry which can be found by clicking here. Again, if that doesn’t work, click here.

This is the organization that we have previously worked with to forgive debt. While this does not guarantee your debt will be forgiven, it helps us find it.